Fannie Mae will now buy mortgage loans with lender-funded grants, including down payment assistance, closing costs or financial reserves. The change could give nonbank lenders a way to guard against redlining accusations. The government-sponsored enterprise will start accepting such loans immediately. According to Fannie Mae’s guidance, “The lender must have a documented program that provides…
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Continuing Education For Everyone

Everyone in the professional world of Real Estate needs and benefits from CE Classes. Continuing Education is a great way to improve your skills, social influences, and inner self, while giving you the tools to progress. CE classes are taken every few years to keep your license renewed but also to make sure you have…
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What is Lender Refinancing?
There are several reasons to refinance—such as getting a better interest rate, a lower monthly mortgage payment, or simply withdrawing cash from the equity in your home. It's important to make sure you refinance the right way and when you’re working with the right people, it will make the refinancing process that much better. Metro…
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What Do I Get At Closing?

When you go to the closing table, you sign the paperwork that transfers the property you are purchasing from the current owners to your name. Depending on where you live, you may sign your documents at the same time as the current owners, but Metro National Title has the buyers and sellers come in at…
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